Board Of Directors' Profile
Non-Independent Non-Executive Chairman
Age: 76
Nationality: Thai
Gender: Male
Occupation, Working Experience and Qualifications:
Tan Sri Dato' Surin Upatkoon was appointed Executive Director of Multi-Purpose Holdings Berhad (now known as Magnum Berhad) ("Magnum") on 4 August 2000.
Subsequently, on 28 August 2002, he was appointed Managing Director of Magnum where he played a major role in formulating the business
strategies and direction of Magnum Group and was actively involved in the policy making aspects of the operations of Magnum Group.
On 26 June 2013, he relinquished his executive position and was re-designated to Non-Executive Chairman of Magnum.
Tan Sri Surin does not sit on any Board Committee of Magnum.
Tan Sri Surin completed his secondary education in Han Chiang High School, Penang in 1970. He began
his career with MWE Weaving Mills Sdn. Bhd. in 1971 as a manager and he was appointed as the Managing
Director of MWE Spinning Mills Sdn. Bhd. in 1974 where he was in charge of its daily operations.
Subsequently, he was appointed the Managing Director of MWE Weaving Mills Sdn. Bhd. and a Director of
MWE Holdings Berhad (now known as MWE Holdings Sdn. Bhd.). Tan Sri Surin has vast working
experience and has played a key role in the expansion and development of the MWE Group of Companies.
Currently, he also sits on the Board of MPHB Capital Berhad (previously a public listed company),
Magnum 4D Berhad, MWE Golf & Country Club Berhad and several private limited companies in Malaysia
and overseas. He is also a Trustee of Chang Ming Thien Foundation.
Tan Sri Surin is the father of Krian Upatkoon, the Executive Director of Magnum.